Privacy Policy

Effective: July 12, 2021

Because we’re committed to safeguarding your wellness client/participant confidentiality, the following privacy principles apply:

  • Challenge participant data is processed within the USA.
  • In cases when the challenge may need personal information to customize content or to inform you about new features or services, you will be explicitly asked for that information.
  • Personally identifiable information provided is processed to provide HES wellness challenges at the customers instruction; we employ strict security measures to safeguard personal information, which is stored in a secured database.
  • Note that when you opt in to social features, you agree to share your name, email address, and logging information (minutes, steps, points, etc.) with other program participants.
  • Individuals across the globe, including the European Economic Area, have certain statutory rights in relation to their personal data. Subject to any exemptions provided by law, you may have the right to request access to Information, as well as to seek to update, delete or correct this Information. You can usually do this using the settings and tools provided in your account. If you cannot use the settings and tools, please contact HES with any questions or concerns.
  • To comply with European Union data protection laws around international data transfer mechanisms, we offer European Union Model Clauses, also known as Standard Contractual Clauses, to meet adequacy and security requirements for our customers who operate in the European Union and the United Kingdom. A copy of our standard data processing addendum, incorporating Model Clauses, is available here.


We may disclose personal information:

  • To any person performing audit, legal, operational, or other services for us. Whenever feasible, we will use information that does not identify the individual for these activities. Information disclosed to vendors or contractors for operational purposes may not be re-disclosed to others by such a vendor or contractor.
  • When required to do so by a subpoena, court order, or search warrant.
  • As we deem appropriate to protect the safety of an individual, for an investigation related to public safety, or to report an activity that appears to be in violation of law.
  • To protect the security and reliability of this site and to take precautions against liability.

Email addresses may be used for internal communications.


The challenge website has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of data under our control.


This site uses cookies. If cookies are turned off on your computer the site will not function optimally. A cookie is a simple piece of text, not a program or plug-in. It cannot be used as a virus or access your hard drive.

We use Google Ads remarketing to advertise HES across the internet and on the Google Display Network.

Ads remarketing will display ads to you based on which pages of you’ve viewed by placing a cookie on your web browser.

Cookies do not in any way identify you or give access to your computer or mobile device.

If you do not wish to see ads from HES, you can:


If you have any questions about this privacy statement, practices of our website, or your interaction with this site, contact HES.